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HereWiiGoAgain's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 57 (From 12 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 750 Points

Asslevania: SOTB

Medals Earned: 5/30 (25/500 points)

Medal #1 5 Points

Welcome to Asslevania!

Medal #2 5 Points

Reach level 2.

Medal #6 5 Points

Don't skip the intro.

Medal #8 5 Points

Check out NEWGROUNDS.com!

Medal _18 5 Points

Welcome back!

Medal #7 5 Points

Follow me at NEWGROUNDS!

Medal #9 5 Points

Follow me on Twitter, so I don't have to shut up!

Medal _13 5 Points

What a pile of buffalo diarrhea!

Medal _19 5 Points


Medal/22 5 Points

Watch the whole ending.

Medal/23 5 Points

Check out Sexual-Lobster's page.

Medal/24 5 Points

Check out RicePirate's page.

Medal/25 5 Points

Check out JohnnyUtah's page.

Medalzzz 5 Points

Don't skip the meeting with Johnny and Dracula.

Medal #3 10 Points

Reach level 3

Medal #4 10 Points

Reach level 4.

Medal _14 10 Points

Find Alucard.

Medal _15 10 Points

It takes a lick'n...

Medal _16 10 Points

...and keeps on whip'n.

Medal/20 10 Points

Get a little head.

Medal/21 10 Points

Eat a pork chop!

Medal/27 10 Points


Medal _10 25 Points

Find the 1st hidden song.

Medal _11 25 Points

Thats where I left that!

Medal _12 25 Points

Never alone...

Medal _17 25 Points

Make the haunted hallway more creepy.

Medal/26 25 Points

Beat Time Trial in less than 3 mins.

Medal/29 25 Points

Beat Dracula!

Medal #5 100 Points

Reach level 5.

Medal/28 100 Points


Crystal Story

Medals Earned: 1/35 (5/500 points)

The King of Slime 5 Points

Defeat King Slime

Explore 7 5 Points

Explore 7 floors

Om Nom 5 Points

Feed your pet 5 food items

Warp 7 5 Points

Discover 7 warps

Agent Defender 10 Points

Beat Zombie Defense on Hard

Armory Master 10 Points

Upgrade equipment 20 times

Be Like Paper 10 Points

Defeat Rock

Bop on the Head 10 Points

Defeat Bop

Explore 15 10 Points

Explore 15 floors

Fighting Love 10 Points

Spend 30 points on the Fighter Tech Tree

Heal Please 10 Points

Spend 30 points on the Healer Tech Tree

Hunter 10 Points

Collect 20 types of monsters in the Bestiary

Level 10 10 Points

Have one character reach level 10

Level 25 10 Points

Have one character reach level 25

Level 5 10 Points

Have one character reach level 5

Mage Mastery 10 Points

Spend 30 points on the Mage Tech Tree

Rare 10 Points

Defeat one of the three rare monsters in the game

Rich Person 10 Points

Acquire a total of 50,000 Gold

Rock and Rawr 10 Points

Defeat Rock Twice

Rogue Squadron 10 Points

Spend 30 points on the Rogue Tech Tree

Stuffed! 10 Points

Feed your pet 30 food items

Warp 15 10 Points

Discover 15 warps

Well I Didn't Vote For You 10 Points

Defeat 5 Kings in the Wanted List

What, No Gravy? 10 Points

Defeat Bop Twice

Beastmaster 25 Points

Complete the Bestiary

Expert Defense 25 Points

Beat Zombie Defense on Expert

Explore 30 25 Points

Explore 30 floors

Kingslayer 25 Points

Defeat all the Kings in the Wanted List

Level 50 25 Points

Have one character reach level 50

Missing Cat 25 Points

Complete the MISSING quest line

Slayers Dargon 25 Points

Defeat Dargon

Stolen Hearts 25 Points

Complete the STOLEN quest line

Warp 30 25 Points

Discover all warps

Ultimate Slayers Dargon 50 Points

Defeat Ultimate Dargon

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Elf Story

Medals Earned: 8/44 (65/500 points)

Baseball Bat 5 Points

You found the baseball bat!

Extra Kupo 5 Points

You've earned extra kupo!

Fanboy 5 Points

You found the fanboy hoodie! It's from your favorite game of all time!

Got Wooden Sword 5 Points

The bat that you found has turned into a wooden sword!

Halfsies 5 Points

You got split into two by a bandit elf! Crap!

Start 5 Points

Start the game... press the play button.

Gobblo Wood Kill 10 Points

You killed a Gobblo with the wooden sword!

Shrunken Head 25 Points

You found the magical shrunken head!

Arrow Death 5 Points

You got impaled by a Gobblo's arrow!

Arrow To The Neck 5 Points

Ouch. You took an arrow straight to the neckery.

Arrow To The Stomach 5 Points

Yeowch. You took a nasty arrow to the stomachial region.

Giant Fist 5 Points

You caught a giant fist to the face... and exploded. True story.

Got Battle Dagger 5 Points

The kitchen knife that you found has turned into the battle dagger! Shweet!

Got Bombs 5 Points

You got yourself some bombs! Now, let's go blow s**t up!

Got Soul Bangle 5 Points

You got the Soul Bangle dude! Now you can throw blue fireballs! Hadoken!

Got Steel Sword 5 Points

You've found a way to get the Steel Sword! Congratulations!

Impalation 5 Points

You got impaled by a bandit elf's thrown sword! Deadly!

Skull 5 Points

You found the hidden skull!

Beatdown 10 Points

You beat the crap out of that bandit elf! Yeesh...

Blue Flames 10 Points

You used the Soul Bangle to send a powerful blast of blue energy at an unlucky bandit elf.

Bombed 10 Points

You chucked a bomb at a bandit and blew his guts all over the place!

Dagger To La Face 10 Points

You said, "Screw it!" and threw your dagger at a bandit's face! Shweet!

Dead Bird 10 Points

You found the dead blue bird!

Electrocuted 10 Points

You electrocuted a bandit elf via a Super Pretendo controller!

Face Knifed 10 Points

You stuck a dangerously sharp dagger into the fleshy face of an outclassed bandit elf... Nicely done.

Fatal Error 10 Points

You found the only way to die in scene 1!

Gobblo Arrow Kill 10 Points

You made the Gobblo enemy shoot himself in the face! Cool!

Gobblo Dagger Kill 10 Points

Kill the Gobblo with the Battle Dagger!

Goober 10 Points

You found the Goober action figurine!

No Defense 10 Points

You failed to block an incoming vertical slash... tsk, tsk...

Pissed Off Shopkeeper 10 Points

Dude.... You so shouldn't have made Hobart mad, dude.

Rock Death 10 Points

You killed yourself using an immensely heavy rock!

Spin Attack 10 Points

You used the jumping spin attack on that blondie of a bandit elf! Good work.

Spinning Destruction 10 Points

You used an ultra-powerful, double spin slash to decimate the bandit elf who deserved it!

Squished 10 Points

The Ogre grabbed you and squeezed you until you went "pop"

Stabbered 10 Points

The bandit threw a knife at you and gotcha right through the heart!

Weak Defense 10 Points

Looks like you TRIED to block, buuuut..... yeeeaaahhh....

Wheel Of Decimation 10 Points

Whoah... Don't you think that was a bit... uh, overkill? It was entertaining though.

You Should Block 10 Points

Sooo, yeah, you should try blocking sometime....

Controller 25 Points

You found the video game controller!

Knife 25 Points

You found the knife!

Poop 25 Points

You found bird poop! Yay!

Game Won 50 Points

You freakin' beat the freakin' game! Holy moly!

Ogre Destroyed 50 Points

You've defeated the Ogre! Holy crap!

Fight Deck

Medals Earned: 1/9 (5/115 points)

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Larry And The Gnomes

Medals Earned: 8/27 (90/1,000 points)

AAAARRG!! 5 Points

Kill 10 Gnomes while enraged

Destruction 5 Points

Kill over 50 Gnomes

Meet the Mage Master 5 Points

Fight the Boss in ACT I

Warm Up 5 Points

Complete the Tutorial Level

ACT I 10 Points

Complete Act I

Power Kill 10 Points

Kill a Gnome in one hit

Bash the Boar 25 Points

Fight the Boss in ACT II

Mass Destruction 25 Points

Kill over 100 Gnomes

Accidental Archeologist 10 Points

Discover ancient Skull Statues

ACT II 25 Points

Complete Act II

Blood Lust 25 Points

Sever 20 Gnome heads in a row

Decapitation Retaliation 25 Points

Kill an entire Level of Gnomes with the heads of other Gnomes

ACT III 50 Points

Complete Act III

Fight the Freak 50 Points

Fight the Boss in ACT III

Mitten Hand Ninja 50 Points

Kill an entire level of Gnomes with nothing but your bare hands

ACT IV 100 Points

Complete the Game!

Battle of the Gnome King 100 Points

Fight the Gnome King!

Convenience Mining 100 Points

Collect 15 Precious Gems

Sword Connoisseur 100 Points

Find all of the 8 hidden Cameo Swords

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!


Medals Earned: 5/5 (190/190 points)

Air bud 5 Points

Fall into a bottomless pit

Handy dog 10 Points

Unlock a door

Bat bridge 25 Points

Discover your origins

Canis Familiaris 50 Points

Get to know yourself better

A matter of perspective 100 Points

Complete the game

Pico Radio

Medals Earned: 7/18 (35/90 points)

Art Lover 5 Points

Go to arts NG page!

DeathInk Lover 5 Points

Go to Authors NG page!

Keeping a promise 5 Points

I kept mine, here is a little something for keeping yours!

Music Lover 5 Points

Go to songs NG page!

Radio Lover 5 Points

If you love this Radio, you will get this medal.

Spooktober 5 Points

Lister to the spooktober update!

This is a TEST! 5 Points


B 5 Points


Bitches Love Poundcake 5 Points

Would anyone like some pound cake?

Emrox's Picks 5 Points

Listen to Emrox's favorite NG music

LazyMuffin LP 5 Points

LazyMuffin plays the hits!

Mother Lover 5 Points

Click the Newgrounds link. CLICK IT!!!!!

Seraph's Picks 5 Points

Listen to FightingSeraph's favorite NG musicians

Sexual-Lobster LP 5 Points

Gaze into my chocolate eyes...

Super Meat Boy 5 Points


The 100 5 Points

100 down

The People's Pico 5 Points

Let them shuffle tracks!

TOM 5 Points

It rhymes with bomb!

Picture Frame

Medals Earned: 1/1 (10/10 points)

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Picture Frame 2

Medals Earned: 2/4 (35/185 points)

No death anymore, Just lost love 10 Points

Stop the trail of love

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Unrestrainable Love 100 Points

Finish the game with 100% love (Don't Die)

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Shadow Tag

Medals Earned: 4/7 (20/85 points)

A Can named Jerry 5 Points

Pick up some fuel

Girly Tantrum 5 Points

Be possessed by the warped little girl

Gotta Get Going 5 Points

Pick up your Keys

Rough Boys Play 5 Points

Be possessed by the warped little boy

Battery Powered 5 Points

Pick up a battery

Meticulous Planning 10 Points

Find a Map

Slender Mode 50 Points

Beat the game and unlock 'Slender Mode'